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Wednesday, 23 September 2015


JNTUA M.C.A Provisional Certificates (P.C) Application Submission Info

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JNTUA M.C.A Provisional Certificates  (P.C) Application Submission Info 

Sub:- Examinations Brach-Ay 2014-15 –M.C.A Provisional Certificates-Applications -Submission of original Marks Memorandums for Verification and return-Reg

The Principals of all affiliated and constituent colleges offering M.Tech/ M.Pharm Program are Requested to forward Provisional Certificate Applications with all necessary Enclosure Along with all original Marks Memorandums (Returnable)
of Eligible Students who have completed the Course work during the Academic Year 2014-2015 and of those students who have obtained eligibility after the Recent declaration of Results by Hand through authorized staff with authorization letter and photo identity cards.
The PC Applications along with all enclosures and Original marks memorandums are to be submitted at the examinations brach from 28.09.2015(Monday) on Wards.

Further you are requested to furnish the details of all the Students with necessary proofs (SSC for Student Name & Father Name and Aadhar Or PAN or any for Mother’s Name) in the format given below. please send the softcopy to the e-mail id: ace1@jntua.ac.in and file name should be "admitted Year_Course_College_Code/Student-Details.xlsx for Example: 2012_M.C.A_35_students-Students-Details.xlsx" CD
Cantaing the Same and hard copy should be submitted at CE office from 28.09.2015 along with application and necessary enclosures

Hall Ticket Number
Name (As Per SSC)
Father’s Name (As Per SSC)
Mother’s Name
(As Per Any Govt. ID Cards)

"Cooperation of all the principals is earnestly requested for the smooth conduct of verification process."

Note: i Send separate Excel sheet for each admitted year
          ii. Principals are responsible for further name corrections


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